Wendy is a popular presenter at schools, libraries and writer’s festivals across Australia.
Wendy’s school sessions are aimed at PP to grade 6, and she can accommodate up to 100 children at a time.
Because Wendy has written, illustrated and self-published most of her books, she is familiar with the whole process of creating a book, from the tiny germ of an idea to when the book appears on the shelves. She shares this process in her presentations, with videos of a book being printed, and examples of storyboards, roughs and final illustrations.
Wendy sketches throughout the sessions, while talking about where story ideas come from. about developing characters and demonstrates how animals are drawn using simple shapes. At the end of the session, she helps the kids draw their own animal, which they get to take home. Teachers and students alike love this part.
Wendy wrote, illustrated and self-published her first 3 books, about an emu chick called Stripey. Her first book, ‘Where’s Stripey?’ won the Western Australian Premier’s Award for Children’s Books in 2005 and has sold over 150,000 copies. ‘Scrambled Egg’ and ‘Invisible Me’ are also about Stripey, and Wendy is about to embark on a 4th long awaited adventure in 2022.
Wendy has illustrated 2 books for Scholastic Australia, ‘10 Clumsy Emus’ and ‘Hush, Little Possum’, which were a very different experience to self-publishing!
Another very different and exciting endeavour was creating a commercial picture book with the Primary School kids of Lord Howe Island.

Wendy’s most recent book ‘The BOO-book” was written by Jennifer Mars and illustrated and published by Wendy at Stunned Emu Press. The illustration process is very different in this book, which was created during the 2020 covid lockdown in Perth, when Wendy’ s whole business closed for 4 months.
For enquiries, please email Wendy direct at: info@wendybinks.com.au.